Terms Of Use

ladkidikri.in Website Terms & Conditions of Use:

All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. ladkidikri.in and its affiliates(collectively, “ladkidikri.in”) make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. ladkidikri.in will not be liable for (i) any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information or (ii) any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Sometimes ladkidikri.in may be referred as GG in short form. These terms and conditions of use may be changed by ladkidikri.in at any time and without notice. Please be aware that by posting to the blog you are agreeing to our terms and conditions below.

Please be aware of the following:

All comments will be reviewed before posting. ladkidikri.in reserves the right to decide what to post. This includes removing posts, and whether we will respond to posts.
Please respect other users. This means that comments must not be inappropriate, abusive, contain profanity or be otherwise offensive.
Please stay on-topic. All comments must relate in some way to the post on which you are commenting.

This is a public forum. Anything you post here may be shared in this forum, or in other worldwide media.

Although we welcome feedback from customers, this blog is not intended to replace our Customer
Service Network. Comments or queries relating to specific issues beyond the scope of the blog
discussions should be directed to your service provider.

Conditions of Use
Your use of this blog is governed by these terms and conditions (“Terms”). By participating in and continuing to use this blog you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you object to any provision in these Terms, you must not participate or continue to use this blog.

ladkidikri.in’s Rights
2.1. All copies of user contributed material, including text, images, photos and videos (“Material”), become the property of ladkidikri.in, till you find the its source link.

2.2. ladkidikri.in reserves the right to do any of the following at its sole discretion: (i) select Material to be posted on this blog, (ii) remove any Material on this blog at any time, (iii) amend, alter, reproduce (in part or in its entirety) in any form of media, edit or delete any Material you submit without any right of attribution to you and to pass it on to any other entity, (iv) use any photos, videos or other media submitted as Material, and/or (v) terminate your access to this blog if we believe you have breached the Terms. ladkidikri.in retains the right at all times to monitor, retain or disclose any Material posted on this blog as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

Your Obligations
3.1. In submitting Material, you warrant that any Material you submit is your own work or that you own all intellectual property rights in it, and that any Material you submit for publication or which is published on the blog is not obscene, defamatory, offensive, or otherwise illegal.

3.2. You must not post any Material on this blog: (a) that is not original Material in which you own copyright, (b) which infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party, (c) that contains information that helps sell, buy, advertise, promote, solicit or offer any goods or services, shares or other commodities, third party websites, competitions, schemes or any other matter (including phone numbers, mail or email addresses or URLs), (d) that contains personal information, or the personal details of third parties such as phone numbers, mail or email addresses, (e) that contains gratuitous swearing, profanity or spiteful remarks, (f) that is unlawful, makes reference to, or provides links to illegal activities (including but not limited to insider trading, ramping/hyping stocks, defamation, vilification, pornography, racial or sexual slurs or drug use), (g) that vilifies, insults or humiliates any person on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability, (h) that contains false, misleading or deceptive information or misinformation or rumor, (i) that you do not have a right to post because of any law or arising out of a contractual obligation, (j) that impersonates any other person or entity or (k) that contains viruses, or other malicious code, files or programs designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware.

3.3. You must not engage in spamming, typing in ALL CAPS, or any other hostile activity in relation to this blog.

Liability for Material
4.1. Any opinions expressed in Material posted on this blog are not and are not in any way represented as being the opinions of ladkidikri.in and its employees or officers.

4.2. ladkidikri.in is not responsible for, and does not accept any liability in respect of, any Material posted on this blog and does not check the content or accuracy of any such Material.

5.1. The Material contained on this blog is for general discussion purposes only. You should not rely on any Material contained on this blog and we accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result or your reliance on any Material posted on this blog. You should make your own enquiries and take independent advice tailored to your specific circumstance prior to making any decisions. Your use of this blog is at your sole risk.

5.2. We make no representations or warranties: (a) in relation to any of the Material on this blog (including any warranties as to the quality, accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of such Material); (b) that the Material is virus free. You should take your own precautions in this respect and we accept no responsibility for any malicious code that may be introduced into your system by using this blog.

ladkidikri.in does not guarantee constant or uninterrupted access to this blog and shall accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay.

Liability and Indemnity
7.1. You agree and undertake to indemnify us if we suffer any loss or damage or incur any costs in connection with your breach of these Terms or any other legal obligation by you or your use of or conduct on this blog.

7.2. You agree that in no circumstances will we be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential losses or damages (including any loss of profits) in connection with the use of or access to, or any inability to use or access, this blog or any Material on this blog, unauthorized access to or alterations of your transmissions or data, or statements or conduct of any third party on the blog.

These Terms may be varied from time to time at ladkidikri.in’s sole discretion. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our terms or privacy policy, please contact us at: [email protected]